ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. . .In the words of Jim Royle "my arse". . LOL X X X

Ricky Tomlinson. . Takes a closer inspection and made everyone laugh with his usual inimitable catchphrase "My Ar....."from the series "The Royle Family"
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What you read true, funny, or just inspirational from the heart...other wise what is the point. . .Remember what you sew you MAY JUST REAP. . .What goes round normally comes right back at yeah. . .So remember being GOOD has its rewards, being BAD has its consequences.
I'm not sure of the full story but I like looking at the pics all the same...lol
Did you not get the Royal family
Shown down your end?
A BBC 1 comedy of a working class family. What ever knocks and turns life presents to them. They stick together and support each other through thick and thin as a family.
Jim Royal the father had a catch phraise..."My Arseeeeeee" When he did not believe someone was telling the truith. Smelt bull shite, or bollocks from someone. x x
I must have missed the episode with Isti in it, damn!
Sorry hun, if only he was, we'd be rollin in it...lol
Isti knows what I mean in this comment of mine...lol x x
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